CPD & Training


We offer a wide range of training courses to assist you and your staff, providing the knowledge and expertise to engage, inform and attract new and existing customers.

At our site in Mexborough
Our Specification Managers can provide training on our products at our site in Mexborough – tailored specifically to suit your needs, and as simple or advanced as you require. You can also take a tour of the factory and NDC whilst you are here to see how we make our best-selling radiators.
At your premises
Our Specification Managers can hold tailored training events in your branch, your offices or at local training centres at a time to suit you and your teams.
At our training centre
Certified CPD courses in person or virtually online
We can provide certified CIBSE accredited CPD courses in person at your offices, training centres or online to suit your schedule.
To find out more about our various programmes, and how they could benefit you and your business.

CIBSE accredited CPD training

Stelrad is proud to offer FREE 1 hour CPD (Continuing Professional Development) seminars accredited by CIBSE (The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers) and British Institute of Interior Designers).

Learn about the latest developments in radiators, with a CPD training session led by a fully qualified specialist from Stelrad. The one-hour training session counts towards your 35 hour annual CPD requirement and can be arranged for you on a one-to-one or group basis at your practice, at a time to suit you either face-to-face or virtually online.

Access to our online courses

The difference in tubular radiators, specifications & dimensions which impact the heat available.

This CPD takes the learners through the difference in tubular radiators, specifications & dimensions which impact the heat available. The presentation looks at the types of tubular radiators, the different processes involved when painting or chroming a tubular radiator then takes the learner through how a radiator works, their features and provides guidance on the most appropriate use of tubular radiators.


  1. Explain the evolution of the central heating radiator & tubular radiators
  2. Demonstrate how a tubular radiator actually works
  3. Describe the different types of tubular radiators
  4. Demonstrate tubular radiator statistics & explain the manufacturing processes
  5. Provide guidance on the best applications of the tubular radiator



A guide to heating your home with heat emitters on low temperature systems

A fully qualified radiator specification expert will take the learner through the major issues within the industry regarding the climate emergency and how imperative it is to arrest global warming.

  1. Understand what the climate emergency is and what challenges it poses within industry
  2. Explore low temperature heating systems
  3. Describe the difference in coefficient of performance and why it is important
  4. Demonstrate Delta T and the significance of temperature differences on radiators and low temperature systems
  5. Provide guidance on the positives and negatives of steel panel radiators.



Evolution of the central heating radiator with a focus on safety radiators

This CPD takes the learners through the evolution of the central heating radiator with a focus on safety radiators. The presentation looks at the risks and regulations applicable to safe heating in public areas, then takes you through how a radiator works, their features and benefits with a focus on Low Surface Temperature radiators and how they are installed.


  1. Explain the evolution of the central heating radiator
  2. Demonstrate how a radiator (emitter) actually works
  3. Describe the different types of radiators
  4. Clarify the risks, statistics & regulations to avoid radiator burns and for safe room heating
  5. Provide guidance on the use of Low Surface Temperature (LST) ‘Safety’ radiators




Everyone has to think carefully about how they use their time, and Installers or Heating professionals are no exception when it comes to training. A day in a training course is a day they’re not earning money and at leading radiator manufacturer Stelrad, there’s an understanding of this that has seen them introduce a different and highly acceptable way of providing training – by simply taking the training to the installer.

The successful Stelrad Academy is available can be provided at a merchant branch or office anywhere in the UK and Ireland. The academy is delivered by the Stelrad team of Brand Specialists and has been primarily targeted at builders’ merchant staff, to help them to provide the support required by their customers – the installers looking to purchase Stelrad radiators from their local branches. This can also be tailored for installers who are new to the industry or would like more information about a particular range or special application radiator.

The courses on offer help to inform and educate participants in relation to what to look for from their radiator selection and to understand how to install radiators. Attendees at the Stelrad Academy courses receive a certificate to recognise the time they have dedicated to learning more about radiators and their installation.


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