Does The Type of Radiator Effect Your Heating Bill?

With the recent rise in energy costs, many of us are looking for ways we can save money around the home right now – and rightly so. Now is a good time to evaluate your usage and what’s going to waste, helping to ensure you’re making the most out of your energy bill. Of course, keeping our homes warm is at the top of everybody’s minds right now, afraid of what it may cost to heat our houses in the coming days, weeks, and months. So, with that in mind, we’re exploring whether the different types of radiator are impacting our heating bill or if it’s just a myth.

How To Reduce Your Heating Bill

There are some quick and simple ways you can reduce your heating bill, helping you to save ££ during the winter months. Some Proven ways include:

Avoiding Heating Every Room At Once

Though it can be tempting to turn the heating on throughout your house, focus on putting it on where it matters the most throughout the day. For example, you’re likely to spend more time downstairs during the day, so switch the heating off upstairs until it gets to the evening. You may then decide to turn it back on again briefly upstairs as you prepare for bed. Remember that hot air rises too so, but having your heating on downstairs, it’s likely that the upstairs of your home will also benefit, even for just a short period of time.

Put A Timer On

Putting a timer on your heating can help save you a lot of money in the long run, ensuring it isn’t on for the sake of it. By putting it on a timer, you won’t have to worry about turning it off, meaning that you have better control over the time it’s switched on and therefore the cost of your heating. Though sometimes there are only pennies in it, it’s still worthwhile, particularly if you are likely to forget.

Turn Down Your Thermostat

Again, it’s likely that you play around with the temperature on your thermostat depending on how cold it is inside. If it’s not too uncomfortable, try turning it down, or at least at some point during the day once the chill has disappeared.

Types Of Radiator

K3 radiators are an excellent choice for those wanting to reduce their energy bill as it produces a higher heat output whilst using much less energy than the standard radiator. They’re equipped with three sets of panels and fins in total, emitting further heat that provides faster warmth to your home. Because they are so high capacity, they help to save you money, too, meaning that you can heat your home for longer for less.

Towel radiators are a great choice for the bathroom, as they don’t necessarily need to be on at the same time as the rest of the heating in your home, so you have complete control over when and the length of time they are emitting heat for. Whilst towel radiators do generally give out less heat than a radiator, they can still provide the heat needed to your bathroom, not to mention the additional bonus of quickly drying your towels during the colder months.

Electric radiators can easily be turned on and off individually, meaning that you will only have to heat the parts of your home you are using and save energy not heating empty rooms.

Essentially, it all comes down to the power output your radiator provides, enhancing both their use and footprint, helping you to reduce energy waste whilst saving money. Before investing in your next radiator for the home, do your research on the types of radiator suitable for its use. The best way to do this is by ensuring the size of your home radiator is suitable for the room you want to install it in. Not only will this help to ensure the heat is conveyed quickly and efficiently but reduce the impact of long-term wasted energy on your energy bills.

In Summary

It’s true; the type and size of your radiator may be affecting your heating bill. With that in mind, the types of radiator you have around your home may be costing you more, highlighting the importance of ensuring your chosen radiator is fit for purpose. With a range of economical radiators available to choose from, keeping your heating bill low doesn’t have to be difficult. Take a look at the range of options available on site, today!

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