A Guide to The Best Living Room Radiators

Many people spend most of their time in the living room in their homes, and therefore this is the most important space to keep warm and cosy. Whether you’re a family, couple, or friends with home together, we have your living room covered with our variety of living room radiators. Firstly, we would recommend going for a radiator to fit in the space you have perfectly and match your current decor. Here you can find our guide on the best living room radiators we stock.

Best Living Room Radiators: Style Comes First

You will need to consider style when you are choosing a living room radiator, we have such a huge range of styles and sizes at Stelrad and many different models of radiator too. Depending on the layout of your home and the colours, decorations, and furniture you currently have, we have living room radiators for all different preferences. If you have a modern living room with contemporary furniture and white walls, elegant radiators might be the best option to go for. These radiators are stylish and will blend in on any wall, they look especially impressive in chrome materials and will add some class to your walls. If you have more of a retro feel inside your home, our old-fashioned radiators might be more suitable to add a 1970s feel. It is completely your choice!

Best Living Room Radiators: Designer Radiators

Designer radiators are still on the rise and they are one of the most popular options on the market, especially for living rooms. Spending that little bit extra for a designer model will be worth it for the style it will add to your living room and the high-quality materials it will be made from. The more premium models we stock at Stelrad are the best to go for if you live in the UK where it gets cold in the winter months. Designer radiators aren’t difficult to install and all our radiators at Stelrad come with instructions and the equipment you need to do this yourself. You will be surprised at the diversity of designer radiators we offer at Stelrad, whether you’re looking for coloured radiators to make a statement on a bare wall or front flat panel radiators with all the pipes tucked away, we have an option for you at Stelrad. Aesthetic is just as important to us as functionality and practicality, our living room radiators have it all.

Designer radiators are the best living room radiators as they come in a range of sizes and shapes, offering a modern twist along with being a household must-have. Make sure you don’t only choose your designer radiator down to the look, it should be emitting enough heat into the size of your room as well. The best way to check this is with our STAR calculator.

Best Living Room Radiators: Horizontal Vs Vertical

Whether you’re looking to install a compact radiator or something bigger to emit as much heat as possible in your living room, we have both horizontal and vertical radiator options on offer at Stelrad. For those looking for something minimal and to take up as little floor space as possible, a vertical radiator could be the right option for you. Vertical radiators will neatly fit on your wall and provide any living room with a stylish touch, especially if you go for a vertical column radiator that will introduce some vintage 1970s vibe and make the room feel retro. Vertical radiators are a modern way to heat living room spaces, make sure you go for a vertical radiator in a colour and material that matches your current decoration. A vertical radiator is a perfect solution for anyone who doesn’t want to mess up their current furniture layout. Horizontal radiators will need more floor space but are ideal to tuck under windows or behind living room sofas. Some customers go for a combination of both in large living rooms.

Best Living Room Radiators: Materials to Go For

Choosing the right material for the best living room radiator can be difficult and you will need to think about exactly what you’d like to go for. Chrome radiators are ideal in bathrooms and kitchens as are towel rail radiators, but they can also make a living room feature. Bear in mind that you will need to keep chrome radiators especially clean and polished as any marks on them show up almost immediately.

Things to Consider Before Investing in Your Living Room Radiator

When you have decided on a size, the main thing you will need to consider when it comes to a living room radiator is the decor you already have in your home. Our white radiators will be the best option if you want to go for something standard, affordable and plain, and if you are someone that often changes up your living room decor and colour scheme. However, many like to invest in radiators that bring character, so make sure you find a radiator that fits the mood of your home. For example, you may want to avoid vintage, old-fashion style radiators if your home has more of a modern aesthetic with all white, clean looking furniture.

It’s important to consider the future and who you are living with and if you already have children, or you are planning to have children, consider them when finding an appropriate radiator. You might want to go for radiators that are covered with a panel if your children are small and often play on the floor. If you have older children and you aren’t planning to have any more, you can go for column radiators with pipes revealed as they won’t be so much of a dangerous hazard in your living room. Once you have considered these factors, you will be ready to purchase your Stelrad living room radiator.

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